My Book Launch: the first few weeks

Launching my book was amazing and terrifying. It’s a strange emotinal rollercoaster - and although the launch day can feel like the end destination in many ways it’s only the beginning of your book’s life in the world. I’ve been so grateful for the support of friends and family who’ve brought copies for themselves or for children they know. A very old friend left me a message the other day to tell me both her sons had read the book and were now eagerly anticipating the next one in the series. Hearing that kids have enjoyed the book is honestly the most amazing feeling and I can’t wait to be able to visit schools and talk to them about Zula and Milo and their Black British history adventures.

It’s also been lovely hearing from adults who’ve read the book. Especially when they have not only enjoyed it, but also learnt something about Black British history. Before getting very deep into the research on Black Tudor figures from the past, I knew next to nothing about Tudor London or Tudors of aArican descent living in England so I love that other people are now on the journey too.

I particularly loved this review someone left on Amazon

As a ‘grown-up’ reader, I bought this book intending it to be a gift for the young daughter of a friend. While flipping through it, and reading a few pages here and there to assess its suitability, I found myself thoroughly drawn in….Could not put it down. I was fascinated by the vivid descriptions of Tudor life along the Thames, the newly built Rose Theatre, and especially London Bridge, the only bridge crossing at the time. The author’s words painted pictures of London life in the 1600’s that are still in my mind’s eye.
A great read. I think my 10 year old friend will love it. I certainly did!


Amazing Black British history books - part 2


Great children’s fiction that explores Black british history