My local library launch
This week I had a physical launch for my book, Time Tub Travellers and the Silk Thief at my local libary in Forest Gate. The library have been incredibly supportive and the staff were amazing. It was lovely to catch up with some friends and family but what made it really special was being able to talk to so many children about my book and to do my first reading to an audience. One boy literally walked out of the library reading chapter one, he was so engrossed.
I’d made some colouring in sheets for Zula and Milo, my main characters to keep some of the younger children (and my son) occupied and the make your own origami bookmark table was very popular. One kid made 42 bookmarks - I now have no origami paper yet. After two hours all the cupcakes had gone and it was time to head home. It was a great event but I’m not sure I have the energy to bake that many cupcakes again. Well at least I’ve got some time before book 2 launches!